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Whether you're a caregiver, a seeker of self-improvement, or simply someone longing for positive change, this book is for you!

Watch the story behind Caregiver 2.0: From Burnout to Powerhouse

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"Meriam really tells the world her caregiving story and how it has shaped her into the woman she is now! I appreciate her words and encouragement throughout her book! I can't wait to see more come from this powerful wife and caregiver!"
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What You’ll Find in the Pages of CAREGIVER 2.0:

  • Caregiver 2.0 is a groundbreaking, eye-opening (and sometimes deeply personal!) guide for caregivers, advocates of self-care, and anyone committed to personal growth and well-being.

  • This is NOT your typical, run-of-the-mill self-help book filled with generic advice that leaves you momentarily inspired but unchanged. 

  • This unique book offers an unflinching look at what it truly takes to overcome caregiver burnout without sacrificing the aspects of life that bring profound joy—like inner peace, robust health, and strong, enduring relationships with those you cherish.

  • You’ll uncover innovative strategies to implement immediate changes that will create a powerful, positive ripple effect in every area of your life… And provide ongoing support as you strive for higher levels of vitality, satisfaction, and joy. 

  • This book will not only rejuvenate your spirit but will also empower you to reclaim your energy and transform your life. 

  • Caregiver 2.0 will challenge you to explore the deepest parts of your heart and mind. It will ask you to confront what you desire—what you truly desire—and rethink caregiving in ways you never imagined. 

Meet the author

As an author, caregiver, and Transformational Life & Business Coach, I get it - balancing personal and professional responsibilities can feel impossible. 

My journey has been a mix of hurdles and victories.

When my husband went through serious health issues, including a kidney-pancreas transplant, I threw myself into caring for him while juggling numerous roles.

I was NOT taking good care of myself and the result was burnout.

On my path to self-discovery and transformation, I learned that prioritizing my well-being was essential to support my loved ones effectively. Even when faced with my brother’s severe stroke, I kept chasing my dreams. 

Determined to help others, I created a transformative system to thrive despite challenges. This became the core of my work as a caregiver advocate and coach.

In 2020, I wrote "Caregiver 2.0: From Burnout to Powerhouse" sharing my raw and deeply personal story and offering practical tips for caregivers and anyone feeling stuck or unfulfilled, ready to take steps toward a better life.

I'm also a Mindvalley Certified Business Coach and a proud member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), showing my dedication to helping people grow personally and professionally.

My goal is to reach half a million caregivers, teaching them how to find balance and happiness. I’m honored to be part of their journeys and thrilled to help them achieve their goals and live lives full of purpose and joy.

What our readers are saying

"Reading about your journey into caregiving gave me goosebumps. Although I know the stories first hand, I was still left breathless at times and by the end the tears were flowing and it was difficult to see the screen. You are one tough lady and Martin is a really lucky guy, although I think he would say you are the lucky one. Caregiving is not a given. It takes a certain personality and it can break you if you are not careful. With your book you have certainly pointed out to others what to watch for and how to try to deal with it. Even now you are taking care of others."

Angelique van Wieren- Gomes

"If you're close to burn out, this book is for you!

I am a mother and not a caregiver. I found Meriam's book very useful.I found her advice applicable to anyone that is in the position of giving a lot at the expense of their own energy.

For many years I've been sacrificing myself to raise my child. Now I know how to take care of me so that I can take care of others.

Thank you loving and generous soul for deciding to share your experience!"


Amazon Review

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Our Readers LOVE Caregiver 2.0

"What If?

Always being open to new possibilities was one of the first golden bits of advice I got from Meriam Boldewijn."

Juan Carlos 

Founder at Inspiral Growth

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